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地区间个人收入差距的状况及特点(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地区收入差距的文献中,一直缺乏从个人收入角度出发的研究;而关于个人收入分配的研究,也很少考察地区差异。文章使用2005年全国1%人口普查数据,从个人收入角度描述了全国及(几种不同定义下的)地区间的个人收入差距,并分析了影响个人收入差距的因素,得到了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   
我国社会保障基尼系数的讨论与估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘渝琳  陈书 《统计研究》2011,28(6):28-34
 内容提要:我国收入基尼系数的扩大已被大多数学者研究与认同,但基于收入“二次分配”的社会保障基尼系数的研究还十分欠缺。本文认为社会保障作为收入再分配的重要手段之一是对人均社会福利收入分配的补充与调整,在社会经济资源配置过程中起着重要作用。本文采用相对平均差的基尼系数方法对我国社会保障差异化程度进行离散型数据分析,发现我国社会保障基尼系数值较高,但总体上有缩小趋势;其中,主要表现在养老保险与其他社会保险项目发展的不平衡性与区域差异性,所以应进一步加强全民养老保险与医疗保险制度建设,促进工伤、失业保险制度的协同发展。建立全国统筹的社会保障制度,协调各社会保险项目的平衡发展关系对于缩小社会保险基尼系数有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
因为农村非农就业的快速发展已使其影响因素分析成为必要,故在修正托达罗人口流动模型的基础上,探讨影响农村非农就业的因素。研究认为:由收入差距和农民工就业率决定的城乡预期收入差距是影响农村非农就业规模的主要因素,而劳动力市场均衡分析表明各种因素共同影响最终形成了三部门条件下新的城乡收入差距。为了验证以上结论而设计的统计检验表明:务工工资、务农收入差距和农民工就业率是影响非农就业的最重要的因素,而农民工人力资本储量、人均家庭负担以及城市现代部门工资与务工收入差距的影响也较显著。因此,政策制定者必须通过发展农业生产和构建人口流动管理长效机制,以规范农村非农就业。  相似文献   
经过30多年的改革发展,我国整体进入发展型新阶段。在新的历史阶段,推进收入分配体制改革成为转变经济发展方式的迫切要求。适应经济发展方式转变要求,收入分配体制改革重在确立"民富优先"的改革导向,关键是加快推进政府转型。具体而言,要以提高劳动者报酬为目标,强化政府在初次分配中的责任;以基本公共服务均等化为重点,加大政府再分配力度;加强政府自身建设。  相似文献   
徐坤的知识分子小说以幽默的语言、游戏的方式剥离中国社会转型期知识分子可笑而又可悲的面具,讽刺他们的生活方式,颠覆了精英神话。徐坤在对知识分子进行解构的同时,通过极为冷静而睿智的调侃和讽刺,对他们进行了人格还原。其小说的突出意义是通过对当代知识分子的复杂心理状态和生态窘境的艺术表现,引起读者的问题意识,考问在文化思潮的重大转型期知识分子所面临的若干问题。  相似文献   
根据中国1997年-2008年30个省(区、市)的面板数据,考察收入性质对全体居民、城镇居民和农村居民消费结构升级的影响。结果表明:收入增长性、收入永久性和收入不确定性三种收入性质对居民消费有不同的影响,即使同一收入性质对居民消费的影响方向和影响程度也不同。就收入性质对居民消费结构升级的影响而言,城镇与农村有所差别。  相似文献   
The article sets out the classic Paretian theory of income distribution. As it does so, it seeks to highlight the constant elements in the human faculties represented, at aggregate level, by the invariability and persistence of the asymmetric income curve, and the variable elements connected with the same curve and manifest in upward and downward mobility – what Pareto calls ‘circulation’. The two theorems arising from Pareto's discovery constitute a specific theory of development which has been confirmed from two points of view: in the positive sense of development when – as in the West – the second theorem has been applied (also independently of Pareto) with the connected theory of the entrepreneur and innovation in democratic regimes; but also in the negative sense of underdevelopment, with the destruction of wealth and the consequent general impoverishment, when expropriation policies have been implemented in despotic regimes, or excessive taxation in others.  相似文献   
Some of the rapid recent growth in disability income receipt in the United States is attributable to single mothers post-welfare reform. Yet, we know little about how disability benefit receipt affects the economic well-being of single mother families, or how unsuccessful disability applicants fare. We compare disability recipients to unsuccessful applicants and those who never applied among current and former welfare recipients, and examine how application and receipt affect material hardships and subjective measures of well-being. We then examine whether alternative ways of making ends meet mediate differences in well-being. After controlling for alternative sources of support, no significant differences in overall actual hardships or difficulty living on current income remained between the three groups. However, even after controlling for these strategies, unsuccessful applicants were significantly more likely to report that they expected hardships in the next two months. Our results suggest a pervasive level of economic insecurity among unsuccessful applicants.  相似文献   
在19世纪,中国饱受了外来侵略,国内的行政和社会处于崩溃边缘。知识分子与执政精英之间形成了一个共识:即为了挽救国家,他们必须考虑前所未有的改革。鉴于儒家政治传统的重负和人才是有效性管理的关键,改革所采取的方式是建立能够培养出更好地应付一套新型问题的人才和系统。由于中国已经具有一个漫长而古老的传统的教育和招募官吏的机制,这使得问题变得复杂化。传统系统实际上是学生与资源的一种竞争,它很大程度上满足了服务大部分中国人的需要。改革家很快发现,建设新系统不容易,建设新系统必须在传统系统这一特定背景和领域内发展。所以,中国的第一次实施教育和官吏招募的改革遇到了强大的阻力。中国的传统教育和科举制度成为近代教育改革的巨大阻碍。  相似文献   
Because of dramatic levels of economic volatility and massive changes in welfare policies, scholars in this decade worried anew about whether our official poverty measure, adopted in the 1960s, is adequate. Poverty's causes continued to be debated, with demographic factors often pitted against policy and maternal employment changes. Some scholars focused on events that trigger spirals into poverty or poverty exits. The literature on consequences of poverty featured new techniques for identifying underlying processes and mechanisms. Researchers also explored “neighborhood effects” and focused on poverty deconcentration efforts. Finally, scholars produced a voluminous literature on the efforts to reform welfare and their subsequent effects.  相似文献   
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